Only sample information shown due to the confidential reason.


UI/UX Design



Office of the Government Chief Information Officer

My Role

Sole UIUX Designer, Business Analyse, Wireflow


CorpID is a sample project designed for HKSAR. As a digital identity verification app for registered company in Hong Kong. Providing common actions that company owners usually required to perform, like signature, form submission, etc.

CorpID is a sample project designed for HKSAR. As a digital identity verification app for registered company in Hong Kong. Providing common actions that company owners usually required to perform, like signature, form submission, etc.

CorpID is a sample project designed for HKSAR. As a digital identity verification app for registered company in Hong Kong. Providing common actions that company owners usually required to perform, like signature, form submission, etc.

Designed by John Tang @


Designed by John Tang @